our story


Since I was a child, I have always been a designer. I'd paint my room, rearrange, decorate and design and within these hobbies it always brought out my most creative self. Home holds a special place in my heart, as it does for any family.
Home became something much more during the 2020 pandemic. I was a brand new mom of a 1-year-old with one on the way. Then, I was a brand new mom of 2 under 2 and the world around us closed.
I was so excited to show my kids the world. But the world had to be smaller during that time. It was me, my babies, and the 4 walls that became our big adventure for the next year. Every day, we turned the dining room into something magical. There were crafts and activities and lots to see and learn. We made every day a party.
Within our 4 walls, we learned that home is the most magical place to be. We renovated, we baked, we created and with this Charissa Lauren Co. was born. A place to create magical memories with families remembering that home is where the heart is.